
PTR & PTS Calculator

In order to calculate PTR & PTS, please enter MRP, GST%, Retailer Margin and Stockist Margin in below form:

M.R.P. GST% Retailer Margin% Stockist Margin% PTR PTS
74.4 67.64

You can add a margin of retail and stockist.If you are not registered under GST than enter ‘Zero’ value in GST percentage field

Mensa Futura is happy to provide your with PTR & PTS Calculator. With GST, rate calculations for Pharma Stockist and Pharma Retailers have changed. Below PCD Calculator will give you an idea on how to calculate retailer and stockist margin. Here PTR means Price to Retailer and PTS means Price to Stockist. You can also calculate net scheme. For example, if you want to give scheme of 10% then this calculator automatically calculates net PTS and PTR according to the percentage you entered.

MRP excluding TAX = (MRP )/ (1 + (GST %/100))
P.T.R = (above value ) / (1+ (Retailer %/100))
P.T.S = (above value) / (1+ (Stockist %/100))

What is the meaning of PTR & PTS in Pharma Marketing?

-PTS is short form of “Price to Stockist”. PTS (Price to Stockist) is general term used by pharmaceutical companies to mention the price of particular product offered to stockist or distributor. PTS is inclusive of VAT to be paid by Stockist to the central government. The sales of company is generally calculated by PTS for particular product. Sales of product= PTS * Quantity of product sold from stockist.

-PTR (Price to Retailer) is short form of “Price to Retailer”. PTR is general term frequently used by companies to mention the price of product offered to retailer. PTR must not be confused with MRP (Maximum Retail Price). PTR is inclusive of VAT (Value Added Tax by Company or Stockist)

MENSA FUTURA is an integrated franchise (propaganda cum distribution) pharmaceutical company. It is a leading performer in the franchise business in the country. It has a noteworthy presence in our brands across all healthcare sections like from a cough & cold to life-threatening thoughtful illnesses.

Click Here and also read our other related Post written on Pharma Franchise in all over India & PTR & PTS Calculator