
Structure of Pancreas

Pancreas is a mixed type of gland consisting of two parts: Exocrine part and Endocrine part. The bulk of the Pancreas consists of glandular acini which secrete a powerful digestive juice into the gut. This is the exocrine part of the pancreas. Scattered amongst the acini are tiny clumps of cells known as the islets of Langerhans. This is the endocrine … Continue reading Structure of Pancreas

Know the Nutritional Importance of lipids

Triacylglycerols (fats and oils) are the concentrated dietary source of fuel, contributing 15-50 % of the body energy requirements. Phospholipids and cholesterol (from animal sources) are also important in nutrition. Major nutritional functions of lipids: Dietary lipids have two major nutritive functions. Supply triacylglycerols that normally constitute about 90 % of dietary lipids which is … Continue reading Know the Nutritional Importance of lipids